General Report from Guatemala
December, 2008
In this school year, the Fund helped 20 people in their studies so that they may improve themselves and obtain a better quality of life, with the objective to serve and help the people with great need to obtain higher knowledge in the form of a formal education.
In this way, we feel satisfied to give the Guatemalan society four new graduates: Mildred Alvarado from Santa Cruz del Quiche, Esmeralda Quiacain from San Pablo La Laguna (which is close to Lake Atitlan), and Candelaria Sut from Tecpan as Primary Teachers and last but not least, Rosa Angelina Roquel from San Juan Comalapa who obtained the title of book keeper. All of the women feel satisfied with what they achieved. They consider the Kateri Fund the most valuable help, for the effort it put forth for them and their parents or guardians. On our part, we are proud of their achievements.
The next group is Gladis Macario, Nohelia, Aura Maria and Juana Vidalia who completed their second year of high school and will continue on to their third and final year. The good thing is that they are very good students shown by their grades and attitudes. We wait for the end of 2009 to produce these four new book keepers.
Also, we have Monica Fabiola who was in her first year in business administration, who finished this year of school with success. We hope that next year will go just as well.
Valentina Chuta was also in her first year of high school, studying to be a pre-school teacher. Unfortunately, because of personal issues, she abandoned her studies and the scholarship. We hope that she will continue her studies at a later time.
In the last group, are students who are studying in junior high like Cristina Cux. She was in her last year of junior high, but will continue to study in 2009. She will study to be a music teacher. Mishel and Marisol Suar studied in their second year of junior high and in 2009 will finish this level. Antonieta studied her first year of junior high and next year will study her second year.
The other group is those in university: Juana Cun who studied her second year in the career of social worker and Cesia Reyes who studied the second year of business administration. They have done well.
Finally, we get to the intern, Brenda Otzoy Bal, who had her first work experience working for the Kateri Fund. Then she had the second part of her experience working in a non-governmental organization in her community and continues until February. She expresses happiness for these opportunities that she can take advantage of to obtain better knowledge. Furthermore she is taking a computer course that is being sponsored by the Fund.
In the same manner, we can talk about the training for the staff and vendors of the Fund. There were the two courses in English for Hermelinda, who was working in the textile project, paying the inscription and other university fees for Lilian Emilsa and finally a course in sewing for Rafaela Morales.
Personally, I feel satisfied for having the ability to give people economic help which not only serves to help them, but for their families as well.
On my part, it is a great joy to have been a channel to make this possible through the year.
God bless everyone who has put forth effort so that we can reach our dream of obtaining dignified work and so that we can form ourselves so that a better future will be possible.
I wish you a Merry Christmas and Peace in the New Year.
Carmela Paz, Scholarship Coordinator
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